
Safeguarding policies at Realise heralded


A leading UK training provider has received a major award to recognise the measures it has in place to ensure the safety and welfare of its apprentices, adult learners and colleagues.

About Realise and safeguarding

Realise – which specialises in apprenticeships in early years and education, health and social care, transport, business skills and hairdressing and barbering –  has been awarded the Leaders In Safeguarding accreditation after being the subject of a full audit.

All aspects of safeguarding were investigated, including full compliance with all relevant statutory requirements and guidance, clear and effective policies, procedures and systems around safeguarding and a high level of staff awareness around safeguarding practices.

Lesley Rimmington, Director of Quality and Compliance at Realise, said:

“We are thrilled to have achieved the quality mark for Leaders in Safeguarding for the first time.

“As a training provider, it is vital that the extensive measures we have in place to keep our learners and colleagues safe form a core part of our day-to-day activities and this is placed as the highest of priorities right through the organisation.

“The three-day audit carried out was an intensive review of our safeguarding work through our learners, tutors and the employers we work with.

“We are very focused on the support we offer at all levels through the business, but most notably to our learners and we are committed to providing the right environment for them to carry out their training and fulfil their potential.

“There is a particular focus placed around the risks of poor mental health which we view as a crucial consideration.”

Findings from the report

The detailed report on Realise was presented for final approval to the Leaders in Safeguarding Scrutiny and Valuation Panel. It read:

“Realise has a well established and highly effective Safeguarding and Welfare team. There are clear lines of accountability through the management structure to board level which work very effectively.

“Younger learners, vulnerable adults and learners with additional needs are prioritised for support and protection at Realise.

“Promoting the health and safety of learners and staff is a key priority.

“Learners receive very effective information to help keep themselves safe. In addition, staff have worked innovatively to ensure safeguarding is embedded within curriculum learning in all sectors.

“During the pandemic, additional arrangements were put in place following advice from experts to ensure learners and staff remained safe.

“Realise have successfully created a strong and supportive culture within the organisation which promotes effective safeguarding practice.

“The Safeguarding and Wellbeing team is very experienced, highly effective and receive outstanding support from senior leaders.”

Do you want to find out more about Realise?

If you want to learn more about Realise, check out our website, or contact us!